Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How to Make a Girl Moan – 3 Guaranteed Ways to Turn Her On

A woman's orgasm, the ultimate mystery. How inadequate do you feel when you finish and you know that she hasn't? Or, the embarrassment you feel when you know she's faking it? After going through all the work to actually get a girl in bed, it's quite a let down when you can't even satisfy her. You may not want to admit it, but this does effect you and your enjoyment also. Getting the girl isn't the only obstacle. You need to keep her and know how to satisfy her. You need to learn how to make a girl moan.

Below you'll learn 4 techniques that are sure to turn her on and be begging for more:

1. Know the Right Timing

A woman needs to be in the right state of mind. Not only that, her body needs to be in harmony with her mind. Yeah, I know, it's easy for us guys, we're most of the time, ready to go. But women are, obviously much different. How do you go about harmonizing her mind and body? Slow it down. Don't rush things unless she wants to. If you rush into it and shes all out of whack, you're sure to leave her unsatisified.

2. Spend More Time on Foreplay

I never understood why any guy wouldn't want this. This is where you can really learn how to make a girl moan. Also, you get a lot of pleasure also. This is where all the dirty stuff happens and you get to ask her to do things after you've done them and the tension keeps building and building. You're sure to make her want you more and more the more you spend time on her and stimulate her needs. Get creative during this time. The next time, you'll find more things to do and it'll just keep getting better and better.

3. Communicate During Sex

Yes, this can include talking dirty. If that makes you uncomfortable (or, more importantly, if it makes her uncomfortable) don't do it. That doesn't mean you can't communicate. If something hurts, tell her. If something feels good, tell her to keep doing it. She'll start to feel comfortable around you and ask you to do things she wants. This way, you'll both satisfy each other and it won't be awkward when one of you is just doing something that's not satisfying and the one receiving is just sitting there, bored.

Sex is a complicated thing and it's even more complicated when it comes to satisfying a woman. While men have a reputation for being easy to satisfy, it takes work to really turn a girl on. There has to be that initial attraction, of course, but there are things that you can do to really help get her going. Start with the 3 techniques stated above and continue to learn and grow so you can satisfy women like a pro.

Learning how to make a girl moan isn't some secret that only certain guys can learn. With the right knowledge and technique you can have girls begging for more and talking to all their girlfriends about how good you are in bed...

Visit → How to Make a Girl Moan


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